About Us
We are an ARES team located in Cherokee County, which is in North Georgia. One of the primary responsibilities of the Amateur Radio Service, as established by Part 97 of the Federal Communications Commission’s regulations, is the performance of public service communications for the general public, particularly in times of emergency when normal communications are not available. To that end, the Cherokee County Georgia Amateur Radio Emergency Service members, under the oversight of the American Radio Relay League, will equip themselves and train to provide communications as a direct service to the general public through government and relief agencies of Cherokee County Georgia, the State of Georgia, and Federal Agencies when requested by those agencies.
Primary WA4EOC - 443.075 (+) PL 107.2 Pine Log Mtn. Waleska Backup Repeaters First: KG4VUB - 145.270 (-) PL 100 Pine Log Mtn. Waleska Simplex Frequency 147.585 MHz Emergency Coordinator: Rob Bruderer - W1JKU Nets: Weekly ARES Training Nets are every Monday at 8pm on the 443.075 MHz repeater. ARES Meetings: The Cherokee Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group meets with the Cherokee Amateur Radio Society at 10am, second Saturday of each month. Our meetings are held at the The William G. Long Senior Center in Woodstock, GA Address: 223 Arnold Mill Road Woodstock, Georgia 30188 |