What is Amateur Radio all about?
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, or even around the world, or into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need. In some areas it has become an important part of the STEM program in our schools, teaching kids about technology and wireless communications. The ARRL trains teachers every year on radio and wireless technology so it can be brought into the class room. many of these teachers become hams. |
Is Ham Radio a 21st Century hobby? YES! You bet it is! This video from the UK has some great information about the hobby and why our young people are embracing it. Show this video to your kids and grand kids. Get them excited about technology. This is the future of this hobby. |
When all else fails - Amateur Radio
When disaster strikes, amateur radio may be the only thing that works. Cell services are usually the first things to go.
Why Ham Radio Endures in a World of Tweets
Somehow it makes little sense that amateur "ham" radio continues to thrive in the age of Twitter, Facebook and iPhones. Yet the century-old communications technology – which demands such commitment that you must generally pass an exam to receive a license — currently attracts around 350,000 practitioners in Europe, and a further 700,000 in the United States, some 60 per cent more than 30 years ago. Why?
This article will give you some insight into why Amateur Radio is a thriving hobby in world of tweets.
This article will give you some insight into why Amateur Radio is a thriving hobby in world of tweets.
Your First Radio
We get asked often " What should I get for my first radio? "
This reference page can help answer that question and make suggestions about first steps into the hobby of Ham Radio. It does not take a lot of money or fancy antennas to get started. Click this button to learn more.
This reference page can help answer that question and make suggestions about first steps into the hobby of Ham Radio. It does not take a lot of money or fancy antennas to get started. Click this button to learn more.
What should I do for my first radio? Check out this article and advice for your first radio.