Cherokee Amateur Radio Society WX4CAR
Meetings & Organization
Membership Form
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POTA Corner
Field Day
Field Day 2024
WFD 2023
Cherokee County ARES
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Meetings & Organization
Membership Form
Club Operating Resources
Technical Monthly Programs
Club Activities
POTA Corner
Field Day
Field Day 2024
WFD 2023
Cherokee County ARES
Amateur Radio Events
Amateur Radio Resources
What is Ham Radio?
Technical Resources
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Club Newsletters
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Cherokee Amateur Radio Society WX4CAR
Field Day Registration
Field Day Registration Form
To participate in Field Day we need your registration
Field Day is June 25-26, 2022. Our plans are to use a family farm located near Cartersville, GA as the site. We plan to operate 3-4 Class A stations for the full 24 hours period of Field Day and will need some operators that are willing to stay the night and work in shifts. A sign-up for operating times will filled in on the day of the event. Event call sign will be
If this is your first Field Day be sure to let us know that. If you are a new Ham this is a perfect opportunity to learn a lot and quickly advance your knowledge of the hobby.
We will need volunteers to help with the GOTA (Get On The Air) station for those without a license or new hams. Check the box for that below.
Be sure to press the
Submit Registration
Indicates required field
Call Sign
If you don't have a callsign put NONE
Fill in all mandatory fields
Participation and Time Frame
Full time and staying over night Saturday
Saturday Only
Sunday Only (until 2PM)
Short visit only
Tear down only -Sunday at 2PM
Tell us when you will be participating
Check items all that Apply to You
I am a member of the Cherokee Amateur Radio Society
I can help with setup (Sat morning 8AM)
I will be onsite for lunch Saturday
I will be onsite for dinner Saturday
I want to operate a station at an assigned shift time
I would like to participate in a learning event
I can assist people with the GOTA Station
I would like to setup my RIG/GO-BOX/Antenna for the following Station type (CW, Digital, SSB)
I have a battery and/or solar panel you can use
I have a generator you can use
I want to TEST for an license or upgrade at Field Day
I am a VE and can help with testing
Check all boxes that apply to you for Field Day 2021
Submit Registration