Field Day 2018 - Science, Skills, and Service
It’s time for the team to take the field again. No, this is not any ordinary team, but a group of people who have a passion for Amateur Radio and all things “communication”. On the third weekend in June these teams assemble and set up radio stations to operate in simulated emergency conditions. This means no commercial electrical power or other normal conveniences, and no cell phones.
The Cherokee Amateur Radio Society based in Woodstock GA will hold Field Day activities on June 23-24 at Veterans Park in Canton GA. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of Amateur Radio. We will have five stations operating for a 24-hour period ending Sunday afternoon. Included will be a station dedicated to newcomers and those not licensed. Under our supervision you can experience on-air activity and be a part of the Field Day experience. We also hope to have a station running to communicate across the many amateur satellites that circle the earth every day. This event especially embraces the “Maker Community”, who want to learn more about wireless technology and building electronics projects. Ham radio remains one of the best ways for people to learn about electronics, physics, meteorology, and numerous other scientific disciplines, and have fun doing it. Anyone may become a licensed Amateur Radio operator, and there are currently over 725,000 licensed hams in the United States, as young as 5 and as old as 105. And with organizations like the Cherokee County RACES/ARES® group, it's easy for anyone to get involved. Cherokee County RACES/ARES® recruits, trains, equips, and deploys volunteer Amateur Radio Operators to set up emergency communications whenever and wherever needed in Cherokee County when "normal" communication methods are down. We maintain a close relationship with the Cherokee County EOC. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. So, if this interests you, join us on Saturday June 23rd and find out what Amateur Radio is all about. Field Day 2018
Photography courtesy of Kevin McDonald KK4VHY
Field Day Crew - 2018